Learning Activity – Exposure Basics


After reading the appropriate section in your prescribed textbook From Snapshots to Great Shots, please answer the following questions:

Name all the functions / buttons on the front of your camera

Screen Shot 2016-02-26 at 09.49.30


Name all the functions / buttons on the back of your camera

Screen Shot 2016-02-26 at 09.50.00


Explain how you would set the correct ISO

Press the < >(ISO speed setting/Flash exposure compensation) button. While looking at the LCD panel or viewfinder, turn the <Main dial>.ISO speed can be set within ISO 100 – 25600 in 1/3-stop increments.

With “A” selected, the ISO speed will be set automatically.

If the ISO speed is set to “A” (Auto), the actual ISO speed to be set will be displayed when you press the shutter button halfway. As indicated below, the ISO speed will be set automatically to suit the shooting mode.

Explain how you would change the aperture

To change the aperture I will  use the quick control dial on the back of the camera.

Explain how you would change the shutter speed

I will change the shutter speed by scrolling the main dial wheel on top of the camera.

Take five pictures every day for the next five days. The subjects of your pictures can include a series of different objects, people and landscapes. Apply the manual settings as explained in your textbook. Submit your six best pictures at the end of the week, listing the following with each picture:

ISO, Aperture, Shutter speed

This week found me between Russia, Norway en Peru, take a look

babushka.JPGISO 100, Aperture 5.6, Shutter speed 1/160


D.JPGIso 100, Aperture 4.0, Shutter speed 1/125


building out of focus.JPGIso 400, Aperture 28, Shutter speed 1/800


monkey boyISO 100, Aperture 4.0, Shutter speed 1/125


Kiana B day.JPGIso 200, Aperture 2.8, Shutter speed 1/50


carISO 100, Aperture 3.5, Shutter speed 1/640

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